Update: 12 Point Skinny on ICD-11

Post #297 Shortlink: http://wp.me/pKrrB-3Mk

There has been considerable confusion, recently, around the various ICD-11 Beta draft proposals for the revision of ICD-10’s Somatoform disorders.

Confusion, also around the current status of the ICD-10 G93.3 terms, Postviral fatigue syndrome, Benign myalgic encephalomyelitis and Chronic fatigue syndrome within the ICD-11 Beta drafting platform.

This post is an update to Post #291, January 29, 2014, titled:

Between a Rock and a Hard Place: ICD-11 Beta draft: Definition added for “Bodily distress disorder”

and Post #293, February 8, 2014, titled:

Update on classification of the ICD-10 G93.3 categories within the ICD-11 Beta draft

On February 12, an unnamed WHO Twitter admin posted this reply to a member of the public:


@secretspartacus Fibromyalgia, ME/CFS are not included as Mental & Behavioural Disorders in ICD-10, there is no proposal to do so for ICD-11


This 12 Point Skinny is also on TwitLonger:


Here’s a brief summary of how things stand in the Beta drafting platform at February 24, 2014. If reposting, please repost unedited and with source URL:


Dx Revision Watch’s 12 Point Skinny on ICD-11:

1. The ICD-10 terms, PVFS, BME, CFS, are not currently listed in the public version of the Beta drafting platform, under any chapter, either as ICD Title terms, or as Inclusion terms to an ICD Title term, or under Synonyms to an ICD Title term.

2. On Feb 12, 2014, an unnamed @WHO Twitter admin replied to a member of the public, stating: “Fibromyalgia, ME/CFS are not included as Mental & Behavioural Disorders in ICD-10, there is no proposal to do so for ICD-11”.

3. But WHO/ICD Revision has yet to clarify intentions for classification of PVFS, BME, CFS within ICD-11, in terms of chapter locations, parent classes, hierarchies, definitions etc.

4. WHO/ICD Revision has been asked to explain the reason for the current absence of these terms and to issue a statement of clarification.

5. Two separate working groups are charged with advising on the revision of the Somatoform disorders section.

6. In 2012, two sets of emerging proposals were published – one for Bodily distress disorder (BDD) and one for Bodily stress syndrome (BSS).

7. In 2012, emerging proposals by the S3DWG (Gureje, Creed’s sub working group) for Bodily distress disorder (BDD were for an SSD-like psychobehavioural responses construct/criteria [1].

8. In 2012, emerging proposals by the PCCG (Goldberg’s Primary Care Consultation Group) for Bodily stress syndrome (BSS). drew heavily on a Fink et al BDS-like symptom patterns from body systems construct/criteria, but with some SSD-like psychobehavioural responses tacked on (a mash-up between two divergent constructs) [2].

9. The Definition for Bodily distress disorder (BDD) [3] recently inserted into the Beta drafting platform is based on disorder description wording from the 2012 Gureje, Creed BDD paper [1].

10. BDD had a child category, Severe bodily distress disorder. This is now removed from the draft. ICD-10’s Somatization disorder has been restored to the draft as a child category to parent, Bodily distress disorder. Additionally, ICD-10’s F48.0 Neurasthenia has been restored to the draft.

F48.0 Neurasthenia plus seven ICD-10 Somatoform disorder categories (F45.0 – F45.9) were previously proposed to be subsumed by a single new disorder construct, BDD [1].

11. Without full disorder description, criteria, inclusions, exclusions, differential diagnoses etc, there is currently insufficient information in the Beta draft to determine the nature of whatever construct and criteria is being progressed to field tests.

12. ICD-11 Beta is a work in progress, updated daily, not finalized, subject to field test evaluation, not approved by ICD Revision or WHO.

References for 12 Point Skinny on ICD-11:

1. Creed F, Gureje O. Emerging themes in the revision of the classification of somatoform disorders. Int Rev Psychiatry. 2012 Dec;24(6):556-67. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23244611 [Full text behind paywall]

2. Lam TP, Goldberg DP, Dowell AC, Fortes S, Mbatia JK, Minhas FA, Klinkman MS: Proposed new diagnoses of anxious depression and bodily stress syndrome in ICD-11-PHC: an international focus group study. Fam Pract Feb 2013 [Epub ahead of print July 2012]. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22843638. Full free text: http://fampra.oxfordjournals.org/content/30/1/76.long

3. ICD-11 Beta drafting platform public version: Bodily distress disorder: http://apps.who.int/classifications/icd11/browse/f/en#/http%3a%2f%2fid.who.int%2ficd%2fentity%2f767044268

Caveat: The ICD-11 Beta drafting platform is not a static document: it is a work in progress, subject to daily edits and revisions, to field test evaluation and to approval by Topic Advisory Group Managing Editors, the ICD Revision Steering Group and WHO classification experts.

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