Australia: Potential adoption of ICD-11: Pre-consultation for decision makers

Post #349 Shortlink:

After 11 years in development, the World Health Organization (WHO) released an advance “preview” version of ICD-11 in June 2018 to enable member states and other stakeholders to evaluate the new edition and start the process of planning for potential adoption and implementation.

This “preview” release was replaced with a slightly revised version in December 2018. In April 2019, another release was posted: ICD-11 for Mortality and Morbidity Statistics (Version : 04 / 2019)*

In May, this year, the WHO intends to present the ICD-11 MMS for endorsement at the 72nd World Health Assembly (Geneva, May 22–28, 2019).

If endorsed, the WHA’s endorsement would not take effect until January 2022. After this date, member states can begin using the new edition for reporting. It is anticipated that early implementers will take several years to prepare their countries for transition from ICD-10 to ICD-11.

Delaying the effective endorsement date to January 2022 also allows the WHO additional time for review and revision of implementation and end-user support materials, for preparation of ICD-11’s specialty versions and derivative publications, and to clear a backlog of unprocessed proposals.

England’s NHS Digital has yet to publish a timeline for evaluation and potential implementation of ICD-11.

*Note that the Blue ICD-11 MMS “Version for preparing implementation” does not include the same level of detail that the Orange “Maintenance Platform” contains.


Australia: Potential adoption of ICD-11: Pre-consultation for decision makers

The Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW) is conducting a review of ICD-11 to inform and assist decision-makers about the new edition and its potential for adoption in Australia.



The World Health Organization’s International Classification of Diseases, Tenth Revision (ICD-10) is used to standardise the way we report causes of death across the world. Australia uses ICD-10 for coding mortality (cause of death) and ICD-10-AM for coding of diseases and related health problems in hospitals (morbidity). The WHO’s Eleventh Revision of ICD (ICD-11) brings the reporting of mortality and morbidity into one classification.

Countries have been given a version of ICD-11 to start looking at how it might be implemented for reporting. The WHO anticipates that ICD-11 will be presented to the World Health Assembly (the decision-making group of WHO) in May 2019 which will pave the way for countries to begin the adoption of ICD-11.

ICD-11 Review for Australia

The Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW) is conducting a review of ICD-11 to inform and assist decision-makers about ICD-11 and its potential for adoption in Australia.

The AIHW is designated as the Australian Collaborating Centre (ACC) for the WHO’s Family of International Classifications. The membership of the ACC is Australian and New Zealand organisations that have an interest and experience in working with health classifications. The work of the ACC has contributed to the development of ICD-11.

Contribute to the Review

If you have comments about the potential adoption of ICD-11 in Australia please contact the AIHW project team: Email:


Pre-Consultation document


ICD-11 was released by the WHO in an advanced ‘preview’ version in June 2018 and is expected to be formally presented to the Seventy-second World Health Assembly in May 2019 for official endorsement by Member States.

If endorsed, ICD-11 will then be available for implementation by Member States and there is an expectation by the WHO that its Member States will take steps to begin using ICD-11 in some capacity, whether that be exclusively for mortality purposes or for more broader application in morbidity systems and beyond.

The Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW) is conducting a review of ICD-11 to inform and assist decision-makers about ICD-11 and its potential for adoption in Australia.

The aim of stakeholder consultation is to identify all issues relevant to a potential adoption of ICD-11 so that, if and when, Australia decides to adopt ICD-11 it can start to ready its relevant systems, processes and people for implementation in some capacity.

A decision to adopt and implement ICD-11 would require a detailed understanding of the stakeholders impacted, the resources needed, the time frames required, and the impact on existing workforces.

The WHO has ceased to update ICD-10 and this will, over time, result in ICD-10 and ICD-10-AM becoming out of date. However, a decision to adopt ICD-11 for use in Australia has not yet been made. A lot of research and consultation will need to be undertaken before such a decision could be made and this may take several years. In addition, it is anticipated that several years lead time will be required for implementation of ICD-11 once a decision is made to implement.


See full document for stakeholder questions for decision-makers.

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